Volleyball Leagues

Bump, set and spike your way into Old Settlers with competitive leagues starting up again this summer. We offer a well groomed sand court conveniently placed in the middle of town. Stay tuned for more information including when you can register and nights available.

Baggo Leagues

Baggo Leagues are all the rage these days. Gather your friends and call us to see what leagues we have available for you.

Horseshoe Leagues

Tuesday Night League

Call for information about availability and how you can join.

New Horseshoe League Starting June 10th

In addition to our Tuesday night league, we’re adding a Monday night league. 2 person team including men and women. This leagues starts June 10th at 7pm.

Outdoor Bar

We offer a full bar outside for those thirsty for a drink. No need to go inside…order up right there at the pits.

Call Butch at 262-878-3709 with questions regarding our leagues and how we can make your summer fun.